Saturday, February 20, 2010

EHHHH GADDDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHHHH!!!!!!  Cheeseburgers are stalking me!  I hate the tv because every time I look there is another yummy juicy cheeseburger dripping with yumminess on my freakin screen.  I feel like I am being held in a cell and tortured.  I dont want it and I know I dont need it.  But it wants me reeeeaaalll bad!   I feel so weak.  I mean I could be weaker but I feel so childlike.  I want to lay in the floor and whine that I cant eat it.  What am I going to do????  Will I ever break up this horrible relationship me and mr cheeseburger share?  My kryptonite makes me soooo weak.  I can almost taste it drip on my tounge.  Anyone else have this problem and how in the world did you deal with it.  I could live the rest of my life without most food but not sure I will be able to break the hold a mcdonalds #4 has over me.


  1. Picture it covered in maggots or roaches. Nasty! Or think about how if you eat it, that greasy, unhealthy, fast food excuse for food could jam your band. Who knows, after not eating them for a while, they might lose their appeal. Keep in mind, I'm right there with ya. I feel like crap after eating at the golden arches, but that doesn't stop me. I'm hoping the band will, but I think it will take time for my head to catch up with my band. Give yoursel time. I'm betting the cravings will lessen.

  2. Yes, try to make your own version at home. Lean sirloin or turkey burger. (No bun of course) I know it's hard!
    You'll beat it though. :)

  3. I can't eat wheat because I am a coeliac. When I first found out I dreamt of things like cheeseburgers!

    I know it sounds like they will never break their hold but honestly when I think of them now they kinda gross me out.

    I think all the fat, etc in them make them addictive and it actually takes a while away from them to stop the cravings!

    I agree with Jennifer - make a healthy version at home - I'll bet it will be nicer anyway :-)

  4. I love your picture!! I do hear you on the love/hate relationship with Cheeseburgers though!! I am 3 months out from Surgery and still would like a Cheeseburger!

  5. I like Bonnie's suggestion. You could still have one every now and then. I am lucky because I don't eat beef so it doesn't worry me...I love wine though

  6. i hear ya sister!! i LOOOVE cheeseburgers! in fact that was my "last meal" the sweet & smokey burger from 99 restaurants, yummmmm! i have made turkey burgers at home and they are very good!! a little seasoning some nice cheese and a lettuce "bun"!

  7. I say set a mini-goal (a hard one that you'll have to work for) and then have one when you reach it. It's a band not a ban...and you'll find some things just don't taste as good as you thought.

  8. Yes, cheeseburgers are evil! Hang in there - your cravings will pass!!!
